The accessory that cannot be missing when we go out during this period? Unfortunately, at the top of the list of the most popular there is the face mask, which, even if customized and colored, is always uncomfortable and suffocating, while being needful to protect our health.

We have all experienced it: if kept for more than 10 minutes it starts to give a tremendous discomfort around the ears. We offer you a solution: the ear save face mask extender with three adjustment positions at 8, 11 and 14cm. It is fully customizable in color on the entire surface, just on the front side, starting from a minimum order quantity of 250 pieces.

By applying your logo there you will have guaranteed visibility and customers will appreciate the gift because it is useful and original.

Would you like to know more? Contact Us!

  • Gadgets from your desk? The stapler comes with no pins !!Johan Vaaler in 1899 in Norway, invented attache or brooch, then patented in Germany years later. Also in Germany in the thirties, a company of Mainz, the Elastic Design, gave birth to the first stapler staples. From that day has changed the way we collect dossiers and organize documents ... past 80 years since that day, the traditional staplers are still widely used and always present on our desks.
  • Always welcome by those who receive them from, the company Christmas gifts are also statement of admiration and gratitude for the person, for the work and the professionalism demonstrated.Every year, many companies find themselves in difficulty in the choice of company Christmas gifts: the gift must be appropriate, for simplicity, to a large target (men and women, young and old ...). Must also meet budget requirements defined and, at the same time be something original, might be a useful and non-obvious.
  • PLAY HAS NEVER BEEN SO SPECIAL! Fans of gambling are growing, it is a fact. Gambling opportunities, once limited to the casinos and the lottery, have proliferated thanks to the network and the legalization of gambling halls and appliances (now more than 400,000 in Italy) disseminated to tobacco and public exercises that simulate poker, blackjack, roulette and all the typical games of the casino. The passion for the game is rooted in the desire to escape from the daily routine, to have fun through strong feelings. Many games are still lived in the company are also opportunities for aggregation in the private sector (who does not remember the evening of poker between friends?), Where the rising excitement is combined with conviviality.

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