The Italian market advertising object is a real jungle! Let the point on the international market and the necessary evolution of the companies in our country.
At what point is the international market?
The retailer of promotional items in the United States and Canada have maintained their place and consolidate their margin they buy from manufacturers and wholesalers and sell items customized for companies, associations and administrative bodies. With the establishment of strong trade unions such as the ASI and PPAI or PPAC in the United States, Canada, retailers have been able to protect their markets by punishing, through boycott, manufacturers or importers who sold directly on the market.
Is it any wonder to see how the manufacturers and U.S. importers fear the penalties of such unions. The same thing is happening in Australia and New Zealand where the APPA is strongly represented. The structure of these markets is simple, healthy and beneficial for all parties!
Under this system, the manufacturer or importer has a limited number of customers (retailers promotional items) and how much the dealer, he can devote himself fully to its core activity: visit, advise and serve companies looking for promotional items . At what point is the French market?
In Italy some individual initiatives have been created with the aim of creating associations of retailers, but in any case because there are far dall'assomigliare in the United States since the Italian market advertising object is a jungle where the biggest eating more small. The manufacturers sell directly to businesses and retailers, for many years, have expanded their business by jumping in the import from China.
In doing so they forced the few still loyal importers to market structured, to sell directly (or indirectly by another name) to the companies.
Since then, we witness a strange dance between importers, retailers and customers. The dealer can buy the items directly in China as regards the most important orders, but orders for small and mid-level you should always ask the importer of the stocks held in Europe. As the importer, he can easily search for customers with high potential, but must resort to the dealer to have in place small orders. Why not complicate your life?!
At what point is the European market?
At European level there is still no real dealers' associations. The only European body of some importance is the PSI in Germany, but beware, this is a commercial company whose sole purpose is to make profits and not the object of organizing the advertising market. It is a shame.