Today,the earphonesare amust-have itempersonalizedand always present inhisbag,the restwho do not ownan mp3 player, a musicphone withbuilt-inWalkmanor the morearchaic?
With the newand curiouspocketpackagingyour brandisalways inmovement andattention ofthe beholder.
Theheadphonesare morecomfortableat timeswhen compared with normalheadphones, and the trend of recentyearsis precisely toeliminatethe clutterofclosedheadphones. Theheadphonesare smallerthan a normalheadset forlistening tomusic andtakeadvantage ofan earphonein the earcanbe nothaving tousetoo higha volume.
How many times, during the shopping sessions, we notice an unusual object and we say to ourselves: "well, I don't need it but if you give it to me, I don't deny that it would be useful ..."
This should be one of the thoughts behind the choice of the most suitable promotional item: present customers something that is not obvious, in order to avoid repeating what they already have, but which is so useful that they can no longer do without it!
Every year, a third of all food produced in the world is wasted. This is equivalent to 1.3 billion tonnes according to figures from the United Nations Food and Agricultural Association, with a forecast of 2.1 billion tons of food that will be thrown away in 2030. The data is alarming but the reduction of food waste is within everyone’s reach and we can do something to improve it in our daily routine.
Promotional items, advertising and gifts, characterized by the vegetable content.
The packages are all customizable and contain seeds, bulbs or plants. The specificity of this product line is to create an original communication, natural and immediately attributable to environmental, natural and educational, thanks to the symbolic value of flowers, plants and trees.
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