The Custom Pins and Pins are a promotional item of great economic and communicative. A new world of small gift items that will beautify your colored jeans, bib of your football team, the jacket, t-shirt, a backpack to school, the desks of your employees, participants in the events of your city ...
Why does it seem a simple pin, but in reality it is much more, an enhancement that can join(a working group, a team, a political party, association, product, etc..) But also differentiate(my pin is unique , speaks to me and no one else can have her as my own).
The dimensions are standard (2 to 5 cm. Diameter approximately) but the images are endless.
And if it is not enough: you can personalize your badge by sending us your image in any format, our designers look forward to the creation and then apply to the Pin! Our experienced designers and graphic artists ensures a high quality result, with crisp images and perfectly adapted to the support. So put your signature creation.
If you thought the birthday parties, graduations or at weddings, corporate dinners, to elections, in sports competitions or exhibitions ... the birthday boy, friends of the graduating students, guests, supporters, team, fans and the band could do group with funny and colorful pins all the same ...
During this complex period, each of us for his own professional skills may have asked himself how things will go when the activities reopen, what will be the best trends, what our target audience will expect.
Our readings and insights have focused on the promotional and communication by object, to give you interesting ideas for the imminent future.
Do you want to know what to expect tomorrow? Are you lucky or not? According to Chinese tradition of fortune cookies are biscuits, which contain within them a greeting card with a sentence or a board. In fact, even today the fortune cookies are served meals in Chinese restaurants closing. Then hit your cookie, please read the prophecies written in the ticket and if you still need Mordin again, you will always be useful.
Fans of gambling are growing, it is a fact. Gambling opportunities, once limited to the casinos and the lottery, have proliferated thanks to the network and the legalization of gambling halls and appliances (now more than 400,000 in Italy) disseminated to tobacco and public exercises that simulate poker, blackjack, roulette and all the typical games of the casino. The passion for the game is rooted in the desire to escape from the daily routine, to have fun through strong feelings. Many games are still lived in the company are also opportunities for aggregation in the private sector (who does not remember the evening of poker between friends?), Where the rising excitement is combined with conviviality.
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