Promotional gadgets help brands generate goodwill and appreciation among the target audience. 36% of people who received promotional gadgets said that they are more likely to do business with the advertiser.
Here are a few other reasons to use promotional gadgets for your business:

  • 63% of recipients pass on promotional gadgets to someone else after using them
  • 89% of respondents could recall the advertiser that gave them promotional gadgets
  • #1 Promotional gadgets are ranked #1 as the most effective advertising tools
  • 1/3rd of recipients carry promotional items with them
  • 35% of businesses use promotional giveaways to share contact details
  • 75% of recipients use a promo item at least once a week

Providing promotional gadgets to your target audience makes them happy and helps your brand stand out from competitors. Include them in your marketing campaign and watch how your brand’s visibility grows!

Are you ready to incorporate promo items to your marketing mix? Contact Gadget Lab staff to get started!

  • Christmas is the time for giving. When we give gifts to our love ones, why not give some to the environment?!The Eco-friendly Cardboard Christmas tree is designed to take advantage of all the benefits of Cartotecnica and be particularly suitable for promotion.
  • Bringing fresh water under the beach umbrella means having to consume it within maximum half an hour if we don't want to literally find it "boiled". To say nothing of the lunch inside the plastic box. This situation can be solved by adding a cooler bag to the classic “bundles” which, together with the beach bag, the sack with toys for children etc..., contributes to a real explosion of discomfort.
  • The brand becomes interactive with the Push Button USB WebKey.It is a circular button to connect to any computer via USB cable, with plug & play recognition.

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